I am mixing things up a bit today as I had the privileged of sitting with one of my favorite people, Angie Shockley. Unlike my previous guests, Angie was not raised Mormon but raised as more 'protestant'.
Angie's grandfather was a huge influence in her life. At a young age, her grandfather enlisted in the military and later was deployed during World war 2. He was severely injured and while pleading with god for his life, he made the vow that if his life was saved he would devote his life to serving him.
His life was saved and he dove into reading the bible, later creating his own non-denominational church. He became a preacher, if you will, and raised his family in a religious setting that has some fairly strict rules, like women do not wear pants.
At around 14 years old, after a comment made from a woman in her church, Angie got up and walked out of the building and decided she would not go back. This was somewhat accepted in her family and was really never talked about.
Angie shares her beautiful story of life through these moments, her relationship with her grandfather after she left, her parents, her marriages and especially her year of being alone while she truly found herself. Angie and I also talk about trauma and some tools to navigate it.
As a Shamanic practitioner, teacher, business owner and someone who works with youth every day Angie brings with her a vault of wisdom and inspiration. This is another truly beautiful episode!


To connect with angie head over to her website: http://www.livingmindfullyaware.com
You can follow her on IG at: livingmindfullyaware
If you would like to contact her directly, her email is: [email protected]

Also, if you are feeling a souls call to join my next retreat head over and secure your room: https://www.amandajoyloveland.com/unbind

My speakers symposium is coming up April 24th. Grab your tickets at: https://www.amandajoyloveland.com/breakingthrough

Let's stay in touch!

IG: @amanda.joy.loveland
FB Amanda Joy Loveland
YouTube: Amanda Joy Loveland