Sitting down with Mimi Knowles; songwriter, singer, producer and former Mormon. One of the lines from his recent single that just released seemed perfect for today's podcast, "I have made a whole lot of changes, but I am still myself."

This interview is a colorful & fun conversation and one that you will for sure enjoy! In my conversation with Mimi, nothing was off limits.

We talk about his Mormon mission to Italy. His mom leaving the mormon church, later his wife leaving too which was difficult for Mimi at the time. Mimi shares his struggles, what he went through and how he navigated through the emotions after his wife left.

Mimi shares, "there's one time Jess came with my daughter to Sacrament and Quincy was asking about people on the stand. And she's like, who are they? Jess said, that's the bishopric you'll never be able to be one of them because you're a woman. And I'm like, that's just facts. Yeah, just facts. And that was kind of the the tipping point for me wanting to leave. My wife identifies as pan, I'm a person of color. I have daughters. And I couldn't associate myself or align myself with anything that makes my people or communities feel lesser than right. I want my daughter to believe she can be whatever she wants to be. And I don't want her to grow up in an institution that's like you can you can only like be this if you conform."

Mimi shares the he felt he should be clear with his followers and shared a post that he was leaving the mormon religion. He was surprised that he had 100% of DM's coming in that commented. Most of them commenting that they wished they could make a post like he did. It was eye opening for Mimi. He felt grateful he has a support system as others don't have the same.

Check out Mimi's latest single! It will get stuck in your head, it's SO GOOD!


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