Our guest starts the school year by assigning every student a movie-making project. This practice engages all students quickly and has the added benefit of setting up a model for uncheatable assessments in the age of generative AI. In the episode, she explains how to align this practice with demands for standardized tests.

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Jessica Pack: As a middle school teacher for 16 years and a California Teacher of the Year (2014), Jessica has continually worked to redefine what learning looks like in her classroom. An ISTE author, Jessica’s book, Moviemaking in the Classroom, will be released in August 2021. She is an advocate for student choice and voice, as demonstrated by the original content her students regularly publish for a global audience. She also spent over a decade as a professional development instructor and Consulting Teacher for a digital storytelling non-profit organization called DIGICOM Learning, aimed at promoting moviemaking in southern California classrooms.