Learn about Standards Based Grading from Garnet Hillman who has successfully implemented SBG in her classroom and school district. A journey which began by incorporating differentiation, Garnet created her own report cards and developed a robust classroom workflow to support student learning. A total shift away from the traditional punitive grading climate, her standards based system clearly communicates the stages in understanding of students.

Standards Based Grading is:

Criterion based
Based on a scale of 1-4
Incorporates redos
Separates grades and behaviors

Garnet co-moderates Standards Based Learning Chat on wednesdays at 9PM EST on Twitter and documents her work through writing. Most recent authoring monthly posts on Sophia.org including the premier post titled “a teachers journey of positive deviance”.

Garnet's Go To SBG Resources:

"A Repair Kit For Grading" By Ken O'Connor
"Fair Isn't Always Equal" By Rick Wormeli
"On Your Mark" By Thomas Guskey

"The main message is that its worth it, to fill the gaps and not leave them because its going to mean failure for our kids." - Garnet Hillman

Garnet is always interested in helping others learn more about standards based grading, her website is garnethillman.com and Tweets regularly as @garnethillman



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