In this podcast, LeiLani and Tricia Kennedy, Executive Director of Instructional Development and Support, Gwinnett County Public Schools, Georgia discuss the complexity of digital delivery.  LeiLani asks, “Have you started to think about other areas in terms of where this could go with space and time scheduling? (Schools are) not necessarily automated in the structure of execution. They're still class and teacher centric…teachers are scheduling zoom meetings over each other. They're scheduling classes over the top of each other…Where has your mind gone with that?”

Tricia answers, “You know, that is the Holy Grail, the Mecca that I feel like we're all searching for.  Maybe some (are) more aware that that's what they're searching for than others. And it is really what even eight years ago, when we started down the path of a digital ecosystem, it's what we wanted… I do think it'll all come together and we'll really be able to use the power of technology for both teaching and for learning. I just think that we're right on the precipice of that right now.”