Industrial designers embedded within large mass production enterprises, design products to be manufactured within the manufacturing facilities and vendor ecosystem of that company. It is possible that designers of products need to be aware of the manufacturing considerations. Well, at least in theory. In practice however the designer is the 'artist' in that manufacturing ecology. The place is teeming with expertise; engineers, shop floor technicians and a whole host of design engineers. 

It is possible that how the others behave with the designer will be determined by the context. In Italy and Japan, the designer will be given the space to imagine - and the engineer will say; "challenge me". It is possible that in some other countries this relationship is adversarial. Or at least so goes the narrative. The design student is inveigled - "You have to know"! Really?

Knowing or becoming? That is the question.

I too went to design school. After completing a five year degree in mechanical engineering. First class with distinction. Over the two and half years at design school, the teachers had zero interest in what I already knew and could do. Not okay? I think so too.

Maybe a disclaimer: 'No students were harmed in choosing to conduct education in this way'. 

For images go have a look at the Blog Post here: