In today’s solo episode I’ll talk about learning skills fast.

How can we learn a skill in the most efficient way possible?

Steps To Learn A Skill

Now what if we wanted to elaborate on that framework to give you a step by step guide to learn something efficiently? 
In later episodes I can quote and share some specific learning frameworks from creators like Carol Dweck and Tim Ferris, but today I’ll mention a checklist of things we should have to learn anything fast.

Define your target performance level. Decide what you want? Clearly define what it is you want to aim to do? Deconstruct the skill into its component parts. Break it down into manageable chunks to learn.Prioritize the most important sub-skills for you first. Apply Pareto’s Principle to your learning efforts.Don’t procrastinate. Try the actual skill in its truest possible form right away so you have the ability to anchor your learning.Research. Learn from teachers in books, courses, coaches and content how to learn the sub skills.Dedicate time in your schedule to focused, frictionless practice.Seek feedback as soon as possible from people who understand what it’s like to learn the skill.Commit to a minimum of forty dedicated hours in trying the skill.Create an environment of accountability by adding rewards, and or consequences for your effort.

**For the full written version of the episode see the transcript. 

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