5 Key Points To Live In The Moment

The book is long and goes in great depth, but here are five of the key points from The Power Of Now:

Be aware of your thoughts: Notice when your mind is wandering to the past or future, and gently bring your attention back to the precise, specific moment.Focus on your breath: Do some quick breathwork and focus on the sensation of air moving in and out of your body to feel more grounded.Pay attention to your senses: Notice the things you can see, hear, taste, feel and smell around you to stay engaged with that scene.Accept what is: Instead of resisting or judging the current situation, accept it as a circumstance, not a stressor.Let go of the past and future: Instead of dwelling on past mistakes, waiting for something to happen, or worrying about the future, try to focus only on what you can do right now.

**For the full written version of the episode see the transcript. 

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