Here is the legend as a rough guide on what to expect:

🔬 Programming, same Learn With Us style you are used to

☕Influencer,  can be combined with 🎭 actor 👨‍🎤Singer  🗳️(ballet box) Politician 

🧬Biology & Biotech + 🧑🏿‍🔬👩🏻‍🔬

✝️ Faith & theology

🏗️Engineering + 👷🏻‍♂

📈 Markets

Other, less frequent

🪖Military 💭 Philosophy etc

When I have a guest on the show I will generally introduce them by name followed by their country and a description of them and/or the topic.

This will evolve and change over time as  needed.

What will follow after this episode is select Influencers Cafe episodes that will be imported (marked as  [Legacy]) from the old location of Influencers Cafe, then we will record the new episodes under the Nikos Katsikanis Show.