Colin D. Heaton is a professor of history, military history, and sociology at the American Military University and the author of three books and numerous articles on World War II. He lives in Southport, NC.

0:00 Intro
4:35 How does a historian get to the point they work on movies with the likes of Steven Spielberg?
11:00 How did you come to specialise in The Third Reich?
12:55 Colins experience with the rules of engagement
17:04 Colin created the legal definitions to distinguish between partisans terrorists and freedom fighters
25:42 What parallels are there between The Third Reich with the Covid policies and lockdowns
32:50 COVID vaccine adverse relations
38:10 Did Dr Josef Mengele use "proper" science?
43:30 Rolf the son of Dr Josef Mengele, whom Colin met
48:00 What differences are there between The Third Reich with the Covid policies?
59:30 Politicians don't learn from history that power corrupts
1:05:00 USA is the only country that overthrew their overlords
1:09:15 Communists think that they will be on top once it takes over and not be a minion
1:12:30 We likely won't be able to control AI and the 2nd amendment might not protect you from future weapons
1:17:00 UBI
1:21:30 Morality in AI
1:23:10 Why many celebrities support this woke communist agenda
1:25:28 Woke celebrities that Colin respects
1:28:30 Colins son Max running for congress
1:30:20 Veterans in America furious over Afghanistan
1:34:10 Increased terrorism in Europe due to abandoned American weapons in Afghanistan
1:44:35 The green new deal and woke big tech

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