Have you spent a considerable amount of time studying Spanish but you're still not confident in your ability to speak Spanish?  Does the idea of having a conversation with a native speaker give you anxiety, and you're not sure what to do about it?

In this episode of the podcast, we’re going to talk about exactly how to go about practicing Spanish conversation in Spanish so that you can become a master conversationalist.  

This is part 3 of our Spanish language learner's goal-setting series.  This series is designed to help you make rapid progress with your Spanish study and prepare for the upcoming year with effective goals that motivate you to move forward.  Make 2020 the year you get fluent in Spanish! 

This episode is provided in both Spanish and English

Show Notes: http://www.learnspanishconsalsa.com/conversation

Links and Resources

The 6 Best Sites and Apps for Finding Spanish Conversation PartnersThe Beginner’s Guide to Spanish Conversation [FREE DOWNLOAD]Book a Lesson with a Spanish Con Salsa CoachFind a Tutor or Language Exchange Partner on iTalki ($10 Credit)

Other episodes in this series:

Episode 48: Cómo establecer metas efectivas de aprendizaje de español (Goal Setting Series Part 1)Episode 49: La forma correcta de aprender vocabulario nuevo (Goal Setting Series Part 2)

View the full transcript on the show notes page.

Do you want to implement what you're learning in the language goal setting series?
Grab your copy of the Weekly Planner for Spanish Language Learners and get your language learning on the right track.  Podcast subscribers get 20% off during the month of December @ this link > https://www.learnspanishconsalsa.com/planner

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If you enjoy learning Spanish with music, check out our Learn Spanish with Music Course.

Podcast listeners get 15% off during the month of February with the code MUSICA15.

Go to spanishconsalsa.com/course to claim  your discount by February 28

We're celebrating Black History Month by featuring stories of Black Americans who decided to move abroad.  We bring you their stories in our Black Expat Series. 

Check it out now at learnspanishconsalsa.com/blackexpats

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