The crown chakra is the last of the spiritual chakras and is the source of connection to the Divine and our higher selves. When the crown chakra is out of balance we feel disconnected from God/Divine/Universe and have difficulty trusting our path and our lives in general. We feel depressed, alone, and unable to let go of anxiety and fear. When the crown chakra is in balance, we live in the knowledge of Unity- the idea that we are all connected. We understand that we are individual reflections of the divine. Life lesson: to experience the divine meaning of life.

Physical Body Parts:
muscular system, skeletal system, skin, cerebral cortex
central nervous system
Physical Dysfunction
Energetic disorders, depression, chronic exhaustion that is not
linked to physical disorder, confusion, apathy, alienation
Mental Issues:
unable to trust life, values, ethics, courage, selflessness, unable to see
the larger picture, absence of faith, inspiration, spirituality, and devotion
Possible Cause of Blockage:
lack of trust in the divine or life and unresolved anger toward the divine

You can purchase the book Chakra Healing, by Margarita Alcantara :

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