Episode #11 – Stop Chasing the wrong dreams
Paul says people are always chasing the next apple, the next google, etc.. Paul says stop chasing the one out of a thousand chances, the home run. These are the dreams Paul doesn’t want you to chase. Paul wants you to chase the single and doubles in your investments. He says that you will do very well over time by hitting consistently…Money ball mentality.

Paul and Seth also bring up the B2Y…Paul says taking step A and Action is super important and the B2Y is mapping out the steps to reach Z. Every one obsesses about Z but there is a journey to get there and it takes perseverance. Paul says that there is so much more to it than the Z. Paul says don’t worry about step 10 before you get started. Only concern yourself with the step you are on.
Paul confesses that he even fears what he can’t control and worries too.

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