What is automation?

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Hello friend, thank you for joining Learn English with Cullen.

Today we are talking about what is automation and how can we use it to learn English?

What is automation in simple terms?

Automation is a way, a method, or a kind of system of operating or controlling or making a process by highly automatic means.

It reduces the need for people supporting the process or the device by automating a process.

And here is an example of automation and how can we use it to learn English.

The first is filling in the form inside this lesson with your name, email and answers.

This will automatically send you a copy of your answers so you can review your answers.

These are just some ways this can help you to learn English faster.

It gives you quick instant automatic feedback straight away.

Asks you to check your answers again so you are teaching yourself

Helps you find any areas you need to improve on in this lesson

Offers you a chance to listen or watch the lesson again

Triggers your memory of any new words you need to remember

Develops your problem-solving abilities and helps you to recall words

Improves your brain’s flexibility in other areas with new ideas and concepts

So, there we have it we have just learned some advantages of Automation in learn English with Cullen.

Now what are some other examples of automation?

Automatic assembly lines and machines.

The automated assembly line specializes in assembly, inspection, marking and packaging in the later stages of product manufacturing.

Business rules: So in the example of when a customer arrives, welcome them and get them a drink.

Robotics Can be flexible machines flexible enough to do a range of tasks

Algorithms : Uses computer logic to make a decision

What might be some disadvantages of Automation

People may fear losing their jobs.

This could be such as in the example of a pizza delivery person who could be replaced with a drone for example.

Cost: It could cost a lot of time and money to create an automation that may not work in a way that provides enough benefits.

You will need people with experience who know how to change the rules if a process changes.

Ok, So tell us in the comments and questions section of this lesson

Here are the questions, are you ready?

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Photo by Fabrizio Verrecchia