Hello Friend,

Welcome back to learn English with Cullen.


If you cannot see a video in this lesson, please click the link at the top of this lesson to see the video. 


In a previous lesson, we talked about our new levels for each lesson number. 

Please look at the lesson number and the level number in each lesson.

Level number 4 will always be the most difficult, with no words shown in the video. 

Ok, let's talk about  

How could you help someone with their English if they are a beginner also? 


How could you do that? 

One way is you could teach someone something simple such as 

How to introduce themselves with a few simple questions 


1: Hello, my name is .................. Example: Michela,  Prem, Sudichha, Mohammed, Kona,  


2: I was born in ............ Example:  Bangladesh, Sudan, Nigeria, Angola, India  


3: I am studying ..........  Example: English, Science, Art, Engineering, Finance  and or 


4: I am working at ........ Example:  a cafe, a factory, a bar, a farm, in a store


5: I like to .............. Example:  run, bike, eat, cook, draw, listen to music 


That's just five ways you could help teach someone English also as a beginner 

who may know less English than you.


And in our question and answer form, you can add a translation in your language. 


so how do you say 


Hello, my name is in your language? 


Please type it into the form above on your phone or computer. 


and if you cannot see the form above please click the form link 


so you can answer the questions in English with the translation in your own language


and please remember  


E is for Education to Educate yourself. 


A is for Ability, to improve your Ability to learn. 


T is for Teach, Teach yourself how to learn faster. 


T is for Train, Train people on what you know.


So please look to E A T T M A G . COM for your next lesson.


If you share your English by teaching other people, training people in the English that you know will learn much faster.

All of our latest lessons can be found here



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