Our expert guest today is nationally recognized gastroenterologist and speaker Dr. Sarina Pasricha. She completed her undergraduate training in biological anthropology and nutrition from Harvard University. She finished 16 years of additional education and medical training to become a double-board certified gastroenterologist. Dr. Sarina also obtained a Masters of Science in Clinical Research so that she can best use evidence-based medicine to educate the public. She has published extensively in the most respected gastroenterology journals and has given more than 50 national presentations.

In today’s episode, we will clear up so many myths and questions that you have around gut health. We discuss what good gut health is and how to define it, the definition and causes of IBS, we talk about the low FODMAP diet and the link between the gut brain axis. We also discuss leaky gut, the role of probiotics, gut testing and diagnosis’s and the link between gut health and nutrition. At the end of the episode, we answer some listener questions as well where Dr Sarina provides some great insights.

Make sure you go and give Dr Sarina a follow on her Instagram & Facebook accounts @DocSarina and more information can be found on her website www.docsarina.com

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