This week’s episode is with Dr Sanjay Juneja, a triple board certified haematologist and medical oncologist.  

Sanjay has a passion for education and learned quickly, through his training, that the biggest battle with cancer is often not the cancer itself, but the intimidation that comes with the unknown.  

Sanjay started providing educational content on Tiktok to help families understand the rapidly evolving medical landscape and clear up many myths around medical care.  

On this week’s podcast episode, Sanjay and I first start off by discussing what fatigue is and some medical reasons behind fatigue. We then discuss the different types of anaemia, major symptoms of anaemia, who is most at risk of anaemia, some complications if we don’t correct anaemia and other nutrients that might be associated with fatigue such as b12.

If you or someone that you know has low iron or anaemia, please send them this podcast so they can have a listen.  

Please follow Sanjay on his Instagram and TikTok or visit the doctor approved resource website

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