Today's episode is part 1 of a 2 parter with (drum roll please...) Alan Aragon. Alan is an absolute legend in the field of nutrition science so I hope you guys are as excited as I am for today’s podcast. Seriously, stop the Googling, stop listening to your friends, family and celebrity chefs and get scientifically proven nutrition facts, with the evidence to back them up, straight from a leading nutrition researcher.  

In case you haven’t heard of Alan Aragon, he is a nutrition researcher and educator with over 20 years of success in the field. He is known as one of the most influential figures in the fitness industry’s movement towards evidence-based information. Alan writes a monthly research review on his website providing cutting-edge theoretical and practical information and his work has been published in popular magazines as well as the peer-reviewed scientific literature. He co-authored Nutrient Timing Revisited, the most-viewed article in the history of the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (JISSN). He also is the lead author of the ISSN Position Stand on Diets & Body Composition.  

Alan maintains a private practice designing programs for recreational, Olympic, professional athletes and of course regular people striving to be their best. You can find Alan on his website and I highly recommend you follow his Instagram.  

I've split my chat with Alan into 2 episodes because there is so much valuable content here and it’s basically two huge nutrition myth busting podcasts based on the latest research and science.  

In today’s podcast (part 1), we start by discussing why nutrition in general is so confusing and why there are so many conflicting opinions. We look at the 'Blue Zones' and why no diet is better than another, we de-bunk some breakfast myths, talk about nutrient timing, damaged metabolisms, weight loss plateaus and fasting.  

Check out my 3 Hour Evidence-Based Fat Loss Webinar  

If you enjoy this podcast, I really encourage you to purchase my top rated, 3 hour Evidenced-Based Fat Loss Webinar. What Alan and I discuss in this podcast is just brushing the surface on the reasons you may not be able to lose weight or keep it off. In the webinar, I go into great detail about the following topics:  

fat loss data and statistics
if you can really damage your metabolism and how to improve your metabolism
energy balance
how to reverse a plateau
body composition goals
body composition analysis
how to calculate your calories
how to calculate your macros
flexible dieting and what you may be doing wrong
diet breaks and reverse dieting
foundations of fat loss science and the foundations of a healthy diet
how to build fat burning meals
red flags for dieting
my own personal method
30 minute Q&A at the end to answer listener questions.

You can find this jam packed, top-rated webinar on my website for only $29AUD ($18USD).   

Please subscribe and leave me a review 

If you enjoyed this podcast, please tag me and share it in your Instagram stories and leave me a positive rating or review in the purple Apple Podcast app (in the rating & reviews section underneath the episode lists). This really helps my podcast get prioritised by Apple and helps me disseminate evidence based information to the people that need it the most! Don't forget to subscribe to my podcast so you never miss an episode!