Today, I have Angie Clark (my business partner and co-founder of our Love Living Lean group program) back on the podcast to talk about the most common mistakes we make that derail our efforts to lose weight or keep the weight off.

If you've listened to my previous podcasts (episodes 6 and 7) you'll know that Angie is a Brisbane based accredited sports dietitian who is the go to guru for bikini, physique and body building competition prep. Like me, Angie's practice is strictly evidence based and she supports her clients to reach their goals using the latest research in fat loss science.

Without giving too much away, in today's podcast Angie and I look at the 5 most common mistakes people make that prevent them from losing weight or hinder their progress. Some of these issues are quick fixes, others are subconscious habits that you may not even know you are doing. We teach you to recognise the issues and get your health journey back on track. These 5 actionable tips are easy to implement into your life RIGHT NOW!

FYI: The person we referred to, "Nick" who was the motivational speaker at our event is found at: @nicksantonastasso on Instagram.

To sign up to our brand new 8 week NOURISH program, please see here: (sign ups are now open and close on October 19th 2019 and we will only take 250 ladies worldwide so get in quick!). 

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