What does “scaling a business” mean? What’s the difference between growth and scaling? And how can a business not just grow, but scale exponentially?

Two of business owners’ best-loved topics are growth and scaling in business. We may think that the idea of scaling a business and growing a business is interchangeable, but the truth is, they’re two completely separate ideas. When you're in a season of growth, you tend to be in a season of more clients and more revenue. The downside of that is it usually also means more expense, more time, more people which will be partly exhilarating and exhausting. When you are in a season of scale, you become more focused on operational efficiency where you will learn on how to scale your business in a lean, luxe, leveraged way. This will give you more freedom and will help your company to scale in a really strategic and intentional way that will yield more revenue and sustainable success. 


In this episode, you’ll discover:

·        - Simple and sustainable scaling

·        - The difference in growing vs scaling your business

·        - The lean, luxe, leveraged way of scaling your business

·        - The stages in business


We are now accepting Visionary CEOs and their right-hand Ops Leads into our signature Simplify to Scale mentorship program. Learn more and join us leanoutmethod.com/scale.

Join us for our transformational in-person business retreats and masterminds each Spring and Fall at leanoutmethod.com/retreat


Have questions? Want to explore partnering together to scale your business? Connect with me on my personal Instagram @cristagrasso or LinkedIn and let’s start a conversation.

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