Are you a business owner managing a 6-figure business who's ready to reach the next growth of 7-figures? But you are still thinking, what does a 7-figure ideal life mean for me?

A six-figure business is a fantastic achievement, but what if you could accomplish even more?

What if there was less work involved in your business instead of more? What if you didn't have to do all the job yourself?

In this episode of the Lean out your business podcast, I will sit down with Fabienne Fredrickson where she shares a lot of golden nuggets on how you can scale your business by leveraging your team to get better results without you being in the day-to-day operations of the business.


Fabienne is a beloved mentor to thousands of women in business. She's the founder of the Leveraged Business Program and she's reversed engineered how to scale her business to several million annually. She is also the author of The Leveraged Business: How You Can Go From Overwhelmed at 6-Figures to 7-Figures(and Get Your Life Back) is really a definitive roadmap, showing women how to increase their income, how to increase their impact, and how to do it with heart.


In this episode we will explore: 

Fabienne’s passion in helping her clients How to leverage your business into 6-Figures to 7-Figures Strategies and insights on how to breakthrough from 6-Figures to 7-Figure business with your life back Fabienne’s Book: The Leveraged Business: How You Can Go From Overwhelmed at 6-Figures to 7-Figures(and Get Your Life Back)  How to work smarter, not harder and keep things lean


“What I've realized is that when a woman makes her own money and lots of it, she feels safe in her world. She feels safe to leave a toxic corporate job or a toxic situation, and she starts taking care of herself and being bolder and taking more space using her voice bigger. And there's just something that stirs my soul about giving the ability to women throughout the world to make their own money.” - Fabienne Fredrickson


Learn more and connect with Fabienne: 

Visit Fabienne’s Website Follow Fabienne on Instagram Follow Fabienne on Facebook Connect with Fabienne on Linkedin Buy Fabienne’s Book

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Have questions? Want to explore partnering together to scale your business? Connect with me on my personal Instagram @cristagrasso or LinkedIn and let’s start a conversation. If you loved this episode, please help us spread the word and reach more business owners like you by leaving a 5-star rating and review.


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