The idea of meditating can sometimes feel overwhelming. How do you stop that hamster wheel in your mind long enough to slow down, to stop your thoughts and to focus on your breath? And even if you could force yourself to slow down, who has time for that? If you’ve ever thought something similar you aren’t alone. You’ve most likely heard or read that meditation is something you “should” do, but with little guidance it’s likely that you tried once or twice and then gave up before you could clearly see a benefit.  You may have heard that meditation is good for you but  do you know why? Did you know it can actually help you become a better leader, a better listener and even a better executor of your own daily tasks. Did you know that mediation is technology you can use to help center yourself in a fast-paced world?  If you are a busy entrepreneur it’s likely that you wake up and hit the ground running. You make coffee and breakfast then go straight to work, fulfilling the needs of everyone else, often putting your business first before your own wellbeing. The result can often feel chaotic; meditation is a tool to remind yourself to put you first. 

In Episode 71 of The Lean Out Your Business Podcast, Host Crista Grasso, discusses mindfulness and mediation with Christina Pearce, a guided Meditation Expert, Certified Breathwork Coach and the creator of Morning Meditations. Christina has led over 60 businesses, schools and nonprofits on mindfulness practices and creating a wellness culture in the workplace. A former Professor in Yoga Studies at Pratt Institute and a recent Graduate of the Happiness Studies Academy, Christina is passionate about continuing to explore and discover what keeps life healthy, vibrant, and inspired. In Episode 71, Christina shares how mindfulness and meditation can specifically help entrepreneurs feel centered and be more successful. 

Show topics include:

2:38 three things that make us stay healthy, vibrant and inspired

3:06 what does it mean to be centered

3:35 the importance of staying curious about life

4:18 the importance of being willing - willing to try new things, willing to share, willing to listen to others

7:12 why you need to get clear on what you want and what you don’t want

10:10 why you should leverage meditation in your business

10:55 the difference between mindfulness and meditation

13:36 how to quiet your thoughts during meditation

14:00 what your mind is meant to do - how you can use this in your meditation practice

15:56 the key to a “successful” meditation practice

16:34  the gap in meditation and why our best ideas come from that gap

19:54 how to put routines in place around your meditation practice

21:48 using mindfulness in transition moments

23:37 why entrepreneurs need mindfulness and meditation

24:43 working from a relaxed state of mind

25:50 breathe as a key role in in meditation

27:00 the different types of breathe you can utilize in your meditation practice

31:04 the importance of night time practices

34:14 why you should question your relationship with technology in the evenings

Links from Today’s Episode:

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Ready to build your signature, scalable offer? Join our 90-day Build to Scale incubator program. 

Apply to join the Simplify to Scale Business Accelerator program, a program for those who have completed Build to Scale or who already have a proven scalable signature offer. It helps you grow and scale that offer and then develop your full scalable signature offer suite.

Want to start your strategic planning? Order your 90 Day Planner to help you create and execute your plan, remembering to plan "just in time."

If you have a plan but are struggling to execute, are not getting your desired results or are wondering if your vision needs some fine tuning, your book your 1:1 business intensive session with Crista and start getting the outcomes you knew you could. 

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