People always ask, “what is the secret to scaling your business?” The truth is, there is no secret. There are no secrets, but there are proven ways to simplify, systematize and scale your business. There are also a lot of common mistakes entrepreneurs make when growing their business that can be avoided if you know what to look for. 

In Episode 63 of The Lean Out Your Business Podcast, Host, Crista Grasso, walks you through three common mistakes to avoid when scaling your business and shows you the absolute simplest way to scale your business. 

This episode is a small portion of a three part training that Crista hosts for FREE. By the end of the Simplify to Scale workshop, attendees will:

Gain clarity and alignment around the right things to be doing right now to simplify their business and get time back in their day Identify the specific systems their business needs to level up and scale Pinpoint what’s keep them from scaling to a 7+ figure brand and how to change it Develop their scaling roadmap based on what it REALLY takes to scale a business simply and sustainably. 

Claim your spot at the next Simplify to Scale workshop here.

Show topics include:

3:50 changes to make in the next 30 days

4:06 why systems are important to business growth and scaling

4:55 the secret to scaling your business

5:20 what needs to happen to move from a 6-figure business to  7-figure business

5:52 what you do NOT need to do to scale your business

10:05 mistake #1 when scaling your business: scaling without simplifying first

11:29 mistake #2 when scaling your business: scaling through addition instead of subtraction

11:49 the biggest enemies of simple and scalable

12:13 the simplest way to scale

1719 identifying your focus number

19:31 how to identity the drivers to hit your focus number goals

21:52 mistake #3 when scaling your business: focusing on multiple revenue streams too early

Links from Today’s Episode:

Sign up for the next FREE Simplify to Scale Workshop

Book a FREE consultation call with Crista to see what your business needs in order to scale simply and sustainably.

Work with Crista:

Ready to build your signature, scalable offer? Join our 90-day Build to Scale incubator program. 

Apply to join the Simplify to Scale Business Accelerator program, a program for those who have completed Build to Scale or who already have a proven scalable signature offer. It helps you grow and scale that offer and then develop your full scalable signature offer suite.

Want to start your strategic planning? Order your 90 Day Planner to help you create and execute your plan, remembering to plan "just in time."

If you have a plan but are struggling to execute, are not getting your desired results or are wondering if your vision needs some fine tuning, your book your 1:1 business intensive session with Crista and start getting the outcomes you knew you could. 

If you loved this episode then you won't want to miss the opportunity to join like minded, high achieving women at the Lean Out, Level Up Retreat. Reserve your spot today!

Love this podcast? Then you want to join the Lean Out Method community on Facebook for weekly mini trainings with Crista.