How many times have you tried unsuccessfully to live a “balanced” life? You’re busy trying to juggle all of the things (your business, health, family, friends, hobbies) and no matter how hard you try, how well you plan, it seems like you fall short of the goal; in your attempt to feel balanced you’ve somehow ended up feeling more chaotic, less fulfilled and more overwhelmed.

The truth is, at some point we’ve all overextended ourselves in the pursuit of balance and we’ve all bought into the lie that work/life balance even exists.  

As a business owner, mom and wife Megan Sumrell, former corporate techie turned entrepreneur, knows exactly how hard it is to juggle #allthethings while still maintaining your own sense of self and purpose. When her daughter was born in 2010, life as she knew it completely changed. After struggling to manage work, motherhood, family, etc, Megan set about a new way to manage her time and organize her calendar. She took her 20+ year career in systems and processes and applied it to one of her favorite things…time management! 

As a Time Management and Productivity Coach for women seeking Work+Life Harmony, Megan teaches specific strategies to help women get on top of their time, calendar and goals while getting rid of stress, overwhelm, and exhaustion. She is the creator of the TOP Program and TOP Planner, a program and planner that teaches her proprietary system and processes regarding time management, organization and productivity for women.

In today’s episode Megan shares why traditional planning approaches don’t often work for women and offers suggestions on ways we can approach planning in a way that better aligns with the feminine energy and lifestyle.

If you’ve ever stopped setting goals because you felt like a failure you won’t want to miss Episode 52 of The Lean Out Your Business Podcast where Host, Crista Grasso, and Megan discuss:

3:30 the number one way to “have it all”

4:00 the two things you need to get crystal clear on to reach your goals

45:34 why we should focus on work + life harmony rather than work/life balance

11:47 what to do when you realize something in your life isn’t working

12:42 the masculine approach to planning (and why it doesn’t work well for women)

15:04 a bottom-up approach to planning vs. a top-down approach

18:03 what it looks like to have a weekly success tracker

21:45 the secret to lean

24:45 why you should start a time audit

Want more time with Megan? Listen to her podcast, The Work + Life Harmony Podcast or sign up for one of her time management courses here

Don’t forget to download your FREE Ditch the Overwhelm Cheat Sheet






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