If you’ve ever wanted to grow your business more quickly and more sustainably you won’t want to miss Episode 24 of The Lean Out Your Business Podcast, where Crista Grasso takes  you behind the scenes of her Simplify to Scale Business Accelerator Program (S2S). S2S is a 6-month group mentorship experience to help you scale your business simply and sustainably, without having to trade today for tomorrow.

It’s really important that before we scale we get very clear on what’s working for our business and what’s not, this way when it comes time to scale we scale the right things and avoid extra expenses, overhead and headache. In today’s episode Crista gives  you a peak into how she helps her students put simplification first before they scale so they can avoid the number one mistake entrepreneurs make when growing their business: growing noise.  

In this episode we discuss:

3:00 The #1 goal you should have when starting a business

3:30 Why you don’t want to focus only on growing the company

6:00 The stage of business that allows you to leverage your resources for the greatest impact

9:30 What it looks like to simplify to scale

12:40 Signs that you do not have a scalable business model

14:45 The #1 reason businesses fail to scale

Ready to Lean Out your business and simplify to scale? Apply for entry into the Simplify to Scale Business Accelerator Program lead by Crista Grasso.