#007 - I started down the path of self-improvement and personal growth out of a strong desire to be able to live a fulfilling life without lack and want. I knew I could be much more than I was but I didn’t know how and that made me feel out of control of my life. It just felt like life was happening to me and I had absolutely no control. 

In this two-part episode, I show you a peek into one of my group coaching sessions with a select group of clients where I share some value bombs

What you will learn:

How to find your purpose in lifeThe law of Diminishing IntentWhether you are building your life and or career on hopeThe Power of MentorshipGaps between what we know and what we doHow not to let fear and self-judgment of our past hold us back from taking actions on our plansThe Gaps we get caught in How to act our way into feelingHow to apply luck as a strategy for Success