Prepare to be impressed by Leafy’s latest guest JJ Wenrich, as he explains how to teach your kids – at any age – how the Stock Market works. JJ is a certified financial planner and a 20-year veteran in the investment world. In JJ’s book Teaching Kids to Buy Stocks: Stories and Lessons for Grown-Ups, JJ gives well written, easy to understand advice and education on the Stock Market that can be taught to any age group.  JJ explains, in this episode, that getting kids to understand the Stock Market as a collection of individual companies and not just one big thing, will keep you out of a lot of trouble. JJ tells us to start with play money and simulate and test purchase different stocks.  To make it fun for kids, make this simulation a contest between kids or between you and your child. Make sure to look at charts and different time frames to show the kids how different stocks are doing over a time period. JJ gives a great tip to talk to your kids about money, at any age, to make them understand what life costs.  Challenge them to save money and set them up to be successful. 

To find JJ’s book Teaching Kids to Buy Stocks: Stories and Lessons for Grown-Ups, visit