In today’s episode, we had the privilege to talk with Joshua Maddux, CEO of about all things in custom web design, development, and digital marketing. He explains what sets his clients apart from the noise in the small business world and the sweet spot when it comes to automation vs. human customer service.  Joshua has seen a trend in customer acquisition and retention with companies that provide human customer service, and with that, customers are now willing to pay a bit more for a customer service experience that involves human interaction over an automated encounter. This is great news for small business, which are competing with big box brands (that now lend to mostly robotic or self-acting customer service). At 95Visual, Joshua and his team have perfected a blended system for their clients that he explains in this episode. His approach still lend to the human experience but delivers an automated emailing sequence with video email, that cuts down on call time and speeds up the sales closing cycle.  If your website isn’t up to par with the industry, it matters! Joshua goes on to give us SO many amazing professional tips that will help any business owner. Joshua continues our interview with a useful tip to Real Estate Agents – get rid of your MLS sites!  You can’t compete with Zillow and Redfin, unless you have billions of dollars for marketing. Instead, build a website that markets towards your buyers, gives them tips for things to look for at an open house.  Give them a printable pdf checklist, education, helpful resources, information, that will put you at the forefront of your customers’ minds during the buying process. During the last part of our conversation with Joshua, he send out a valuable warning: website accessibility has become a growing issue for website and business owners in this litigious society.   Last year alone there were 10,000 federal charges towards websites and businesses that were not accessible to handicap users. Visually impaired individuals have sued for well over $20K and won in California for websites that are not accessible to visually impaired. Joshua goes on to inform us that over 52 million Americans have disabilities that need handicap access to your website.  That’s 20% of your market, are you willing to leave behind that much business being incompliant?  

To find Joshua and his team, visit