In this episode, Leafy talks to Co-Founder of NVC Consulting, Natasha Todorovic-Cowan, about Spiral Dynamics and the tools, programs and consulting services designed to help leaders understand and navigate tough “people problems”. What is Spiral Dynamics? Natasha explains that it is a practical, evidence-based approach to the human hurdles of organizational, leadership and professional development and change. Put more precisely, Spiral Dynamics helps leaders understand and resolve problems caused by world views, ways of thinking and environmental misalignment within their companies. NVC Consulting makes sure that their clients are aligned within their company and with their target market and clientele.  NVC Consulting’s programs help recognize the ‘Why? What? Who? and How?’ questions within a company and often saves their clients millions of dollars once these questions are properly addressed. Natasha goes further to say that by leaning in and experiencing the feelings and content of what you are providing your clients, you can understand their excitement and find the value in the content that you deliver.

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