Leafy had an amazing opportunity to sit down with the President and Founder of Norada Real Estate Investments and Host of the Passive Real Estate Investing Podcast, Marco Santarelli. Marco imparted his vast wisdom of real estate investing with 10 great tips for successful real estate investors. Marco explains why real estate is the ideal investment for leveraging and a vehicle to apply your investment capital. Marco states that if you are investing prudently for cash flow, the best deals might be outside of your local market, so be Market Agnostic. He also explains that you need to take a macro/top down approach and ask questions about the area you’re investing in, not just about your potential property. Marco goes on to advise that you should surround yourself with the right group of people, including a professional property managers, which will save you from burnout and make you more likely to succeed. Listen in for all of Marco’s tips to success in passive real estate investing.

Find out more about Marco Santarelli and to download his FREE guide to real estate investing go to:




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