I am honored to have my friend Priscila Archangel as a guest in the Leading Yourself Podcast to talk about all things leadership and her newest book; Leadervantage: Seven Essential Steps to Peak Leadership.

Like a hiker climbing to reach a mountaintop, you will undoubtedly encounter obstacles on your journey to peak effectiveness as a business leader. Challenges can range from leading a dysfunctional team to underestimating how much your actions impact others. What if you could be more effective as a leader? What if you could:

Significantly improve your organization’s culture?
Engage your team to maximize performance?
Learn to appreciate and leverage others' strengths?
Manage conflict more constructively?
Identify and stop self-defeating behaviors?
Become more productive and influential in your role?

Priscila offers strategies and practical tips that can be used as stepping stones to reach a vantage point where patterns, pathways, and potential risks are more easily visible. The result is better leadership decisions. 

Begin your journey to gain your own LeaderVantage and positively impact your leadership effectiveness!

Grab a copy of the book here: https://amzn.to/3xoq9NR