You set a goal, you get excited, and your ambition bubbles to the surface. But somewhere along the way, the fire fades and you lose confidence and motivation. Sound familiar?


Let’s talk about leaning into your ambition - because I want 2022 to be the year that you start believing in yourself, my love - and your abilities as the ambitious woman in tech that you are!


In today’s episode, I share the FOUR things that you need to do more of to really fuel and build your ambition this year (whether it’s reigniting a dying spark or amplifying what you already have!) so you can get excited about your goals again and assure your success in 2022. 


Ready to (re)ignite that ambition?


Let’s go to the show!


I dive into:

The 4 simple & IMPORTANT things you can do to fuel your ambition this year!  What to do if you don’t think you are ambitious enough My FREE resource to help you assure your success in 2022 Why too much ambition isn’t a problem - and what actually is! How to nurture your ambition (and how this can apply to your team and organization) A mindset tip to help you get into action (hint: this one might push some buttons!) And more!

Useful links!

Sign up for the Planning Your Year: The 2022 Success Path Workshop at 

Get on the waitlist to be the first to find out when Lit Up Leadership Academy doors open: 

Want to uplevel your executive presence? Check out the Executive Presence training in the Leading Women in Tech Shop: 

Catch the show notes, and more details about today's episode here: 

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