Frustrated at being passed over for another promotion? Applying for jobs and not getting the right traction?


Let’s talk about what you could have been doing all along to get noticed at work and what you can do NOW to make sure you are noticed when the next opportunity comes!


In today’s episode, I share the 5 MOST IMPORTANT things you need to be doing right now (and really, all the time!) to get noticed in the workplace so you can get the new job title, pay raise, or promotion that you deserve!


Ready to start getting noticed for the standout leader that you are?


Let’s go to the show!

I dive into:

The 5 MOST IMPORTANT things you can be doing EVERY DAY to get noticed at work!  What behaviors you need to release to be able to uplevel your reputation as a leader at work (and how these behaviors could be showing up for you) A common trap that could be keeping you stuck and disregarded at work Why women often hit the first glass ceiling (and how to avoid this!) A must-have as a leader that will communicate your value (and a simple way to help you discover it) How modesty could be holding you back from your next career opportunity (and some practical ways to push through this common barrier) And so much more!

Useful Links:


If you are ready to uplevel your career, and get a boost (and a salary bump) by shortcutting your way to success, find out more about Toni’s Coaching at: 


Alternatively, go straight ahead and book a free, no-obligation Discovery Call, to find out more and discuss the type of support you would most benefit from:  


Catch the show notes, and more details about today's episode here: 


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