Want to take that next step in your career and step into an executive role? Maybe you feel burnt out or stuck where you are and need a shift to get you moving in the right direction?

Let’s talk about what it takes to step into your dream role! 

In today’s episode, I talk with award winning leader and champion for women in tech, Jossie Haines. We discuss how she shows up in the industry - her role as V.P of Software Engineering at Tile and her mission to keep women and underrepresented minorities in tech - and the mindset shifts that you need to step up to the executive team (or any leadership role that you want!)


Ready to shift your mindset and get a seat at the table?


Let’s go to the show!

We dive into:

Jossie’s education background and career history (including positions at Apple, Zynga, American Express, and Tile!) The incredible work she accomplished as Engineering Manager for a Siri domain team at Apple Acknowledging the bias women in tech face and starting “Women at Siri” The ONE thing she truly valued from her time at Apple that helped her as a manager Dealing with imposter syndrome as a leader and how she moved out of that mindset How you could be holding yourself back in your career when receiving feedback (and how to avoid this!) The MOST IMPORTANT mindset shift she had to go through to step into her V.P. role Jossie’s TOP TIPS to help you get a seat on the executive team What triggered her decision to hire a leadership coach and what it’s done for her career And more!


Useful Links:

Connect and follow Jossie on LinkedIn at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jossiemann/ 


Catch the show notes, and more details about today's episode here: http://tonicollis.com/episode41 

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