“My mind has caused me tremendous pain in my life that has felt outside of my control. But I can build a relationship with it, and ultimately, my mind can be a good place to be.” — Matthew Hepburn

Your mind tries so hard to take care of you: Give it a little credit and a little help.

This week’s guest is Matthew Hepburn, a meditation teacher who knows first hand how complicated managing your own mental health can be. 

While studying to be a jazz pianist in college, Hepburn started experiencing severe doubt and self-loathing, which led to depression. Looking for a way to soothe his dark thoughts, he turned to mindfulness meditation. 

Hepburn’s practice showed him that although he couldn’t always change his external circumstances, he could find ways to play to his mind’s strengths, while also curbing it’s more anxiety-provoking tendencies. He wanted to share this insight with others.

You may know Hepburn from his work with Ten Percent Happier, a mindfulness meditation app and podcast for the meditation curious, as well as regular practitioners. He’s also set to host the podcast Twenty Percent Happier, in which he asks fellow meditation teachers the kinds of questions that students really want answered.

In this episode, Hepburn gives us a new perspective on busyness, and advice for addressing anxiety in the moment. He explains how to connect with nature no matter where you are (it’s closer than you think, promise) and how sincerity helped him find his true calling.

You’ll also learn:

The connection between playing piano and mindfulness How practicing meditation and mindfulness helps us learn from life  How to create a workable schedule (guilt- and FOMO-free) What snowboarding taught Hepburn about being present in the moment, even outside meditation Why feeling depressed and anxious is not a personal failing How to hear a symphony in the city When and how to get out of your brain’s way


Connect with Matthew Hepburn










Learn More From Matthew Hepburn

Listen and subscribe to the Twenty Percent Happier podcast


Find more information here: https://www.tenpercent.com/twenty-percent-happier-podcast 


Listen to Hepburn talk about applying meditation in your work life on Ten Percent Happier


Listen to it here: https://www.tenpercent.com/podcast-episode/matthew-hepburn-396 


Take the Taming Anxiety Challenge


Join Ten Percent Happier’s 10-day anxiety challenge. Every day, you’ll receive a short video with insights into how anxiety works in your brain, what that looks like in your life, and tools you can use to address it.


Find out more here: https://www.tenpercent.com/challenge 


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