nFormation co-founders Deepa Purushothaman and Rha Goddess join Empovia (formerly Change Catalyst) Founder & CEO Melinda Briana Epler to explain how best to support women of color as leaders in the workplace.

Deepa, Rha, and Melinda go deep on:

The future of work and what managers can do to become real allies for women-of-color (WOC)The new mobile app for women of color that nFORMATION is launching to support these communitiesHow to address systemic oppression in the workplace and create a safe space for WOC to bring their full selves to workHow the concept of power might differ for WOC and how it can benefit everyone in the workplace

About Our Guests

Rha Goddess and Deepa Purushothaman were brought together over 5 years ago. Deepa was a “first” Senior Partner at a Big 4. Rha left corporate America and the chemical industry as an “only” two decades ago to focus on helping leaders find their passion, purpose and calling. Deepa has spent years focusing on women’s leadership and inclusion strategies to help women of color navigate corporate structures. Rha has helped hundreds of high impact leaders realize they can work in ways that honor their values and uplift new definitions of power, profitability and success.

Together, they have discovered that there is a collective untapped power that WOC have yet to harness and leverage, so they came together to create nFormation, a first of its kind membership community for professional women of color offering brave, safe, new space and career advancement opportunities.

Highlights from this Conversation

“We need companies to do what they're saying they want to do but show up in a totally different way”. - Deepa Purushothaman

“Many women of color don't feel that they can necessarily bring that natural and organic sense of concern into the (working) culture in a way that is valued.” - Rha Goddess

Learn more about Deepa & Rha’s work at

Additional Resources

Join the waitlist to download the Safe Space app"The Calling: 3 Fundamental Shifts to Stay True, Get Paid, and Do Good” by Rha Goddess tuned for the upcoming release of Deepa’s book, The Inclusion Delusion

[image description: image of Deepa Purushothaman (an Indian woman with long black hair, smiling) and Rha Goddess (a Black woman with curly hair, smiling) and Melinda Briana Epler (a White woman with red hair and glasses, smiling), with the text "Want to be inclusive? Support Women Of Color As Leaders In The Workplace."] 

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