Today we are going to be talking with Michele Nevarez, the CEO of Goleman EI.

I’ve worked with Michele for several years and even became a Certified Meta-Coach in Emotional Intelligence. It’s been both an honor and a privilege to learn and work with her and the Goleman EI team.

The pandemic has created a unique set of circumstances inviting us each to examine how we’ve been living our lives.​  As we each attempt to strike a healthier balance between work and home, between our many responsibilities and cultivating our own mental and physical wellbeing, EI may be the very thing we need. 

Michele and her colleagues can certainly help you in this area. They are truly committed to helping people become their best and most effective selves and bringing emotional intelligence to life by transforming theory into meaningful action.

Tune in to hear more from Michele on why we should all be developing Embodied Emotional Intelligence and how her course can transform your business and life.

We'll dive deeper into these concepts:

Why we need to create authority in our Encore Career. The growing interest of many people to re-invent or re-launch themselves. How emotional intelligence can help you improve your "know, like, and trust" factors. How Michele’s program goes beyond simple awareness to creating action and new habits of thinking and action. How the process for the course can help you leverage yourself. What we have influence over. Why the financial and time investment of this EI course is so worth it.

Now, for some action steps:

Download the free worksheet: Three Steps You Need for a More Productive Workday Explore the Goleman EI website: Consider the EI Master Class: Preorder Michele’s upcoming book:

Connect with Me:



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I thank you so much for being here and I’ll see ya next time on Creating Your Encore Career.

— Lynn


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If you like this podcast and are thinking of creating your own, consider talking to my producer, Danny Ozment.

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