Are you the biggest roadblock to your own success?

Have you lost sight of or given up on your own dreams?

Did you lose belief on your ability to achieve your dreams?

Has someone told you you’ll never amount to anything?

Did you buy into the lie that your best days are behind you and there is no hope for success ahead?

Honestly, every human struggles with one or more of these roadblocks.

What you believe about others and what you believe about you are the two biggest indicators of success becoming a reality in your life.

If you believe you are a victim and the whole world is about to get you and plotting against you, the likelihood you will even try is really slim.

If you believe you can do anything you set your mind too and not matter what there will be at least one other person cheering you on your potential for success will be 1000x better.

Here’s the BONUS FACT: only you control what you think of you and what you think of others.

Define your success.

Discover your purpose.

Create a plan.

Apply incredible passion.


Then know this: “You cannot pull on a seedling plant and cause it to produce fruit sooner - everything happens in time and at the proper time.” #MarieTv #everythingisfigureoutable #leadingleaderspodcast

Watch the video Leading Leaders Podcast 9-16-17 to learn more.

LEADING LEADERS PODCAST with J Loren Norris providing daily leadership video lessons promoting faith, family and freedom for Tell It Like It Is TV .

Blog & Online Courses - www.jlorennorris.com

Photo by Vasile Stancu on Unsplash

Copyright 2019 Tell It Like It Is, Inc. All rights reserved.


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