What if equality is a myth?!

“Socialism is a great idea. It has never been a great reality.” Thomas Sowell

I grew up with the idea “the rich get richer and the poor go broke and it’s the Rich’s fault.” I did not know until recently (studying Thomas Sowell) the idea originated in Marxism.

Sowell goes on to talk about the conditions of the poorest of the poor and whether or not the natural occurrences of poverty can be compared with institutional causes of poverty. Fascinating discussion.

He also makes a very important point around the notion of equality/ a return to equal standing. In noting the economic strength of former slaves grew at a rate greater than two times faster after slavery was ended and before “governmental policies intervened.” Asking a profound question: was liberty better than welfare?

Dr. Jordan Peterson makes a strong point in this area of discussion when he asks “Can you tell me, before we debate the economic and political policies which could shape the world as we know it, is your room cleanly and neatly organized?”

He goes in to draw the illustration which many of today’s youth seem to gloss over. You have equal power, rights and authority to clean up after yourself, manage your own belongings be they many or few, and to be ultimately responsible for your corner of the universe. If you fail or refuse to do so, why would the remaining portions of the universe want to follow your lead?

Thomas Sowell says clearly, “I was a Marxist because it made sense... until I did my own thorough research.”

Leaders need to understand: nature is not balanced, fair and equitable. Nature is harsh and unrelenting. Life is natural and expecting institutions to override nature to create equal outcomes will likely end in disappointment at best - catastrophe at worst.

LEADING LEADERS PODCAST with J Loren Norris providing daily leadership video lessons promoting faith, family and freedom for Tell It Like It Is TV . 

Blog & Online Courses - www.jlorennorris.com


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