Three Keys Leaders Apply To Lasting Relationships


Do you have what it takes?

Some of the longest running relationships seem to be filled with struggles. Struggles against life, struggles against each other and sometimes struggles against hope will rise up to challenge the veracity of your togetherness.

Relationships are HARD WORK. They require patience, tenacity, perseverance, resilience, determination, patience, forgiveness, hope, tolerance, patience and kindness! Oh, did I mention patience?

Whether you’re thinking of family, siblings, parents, cousins twice removed or employees, vendors or customers, EVERY RELATIONSHIP requires all of the above. Ironically, many people jump into marriage with the false belief that “love alone” will get you through.

Today, Karin and I celebrate 25 years of marriage. It has not always been easy. We have struggled together, struggled against life, struggled against each other. We have fought through addiction, homelessness, losing everything, starting over, raising kids, loving grandkids, and the instability of moving homes and jobs frequently. Love was a huge part of how we made it this far. But if we had not applied all those other elements, especially PATIENCE, we would have given up long ago.

Whether you are considering a life partner, significant other, marriage, business partnership or close employer/ employee relationship, here are three things I believe you will require for longevity especially in the face of adversity.

1. Common Vision (for the long term)

2. Common Goals (for the short term)

3. Patience (for every moment of humanity)

If you focus on being the best, most lovable, most likeable, most patient you, chances are your partner will follow suit. If you have common goals, common vision and patience - in the end you will have a winning team.

LEADING LEADERS PODCAST with J Loren Norris providing daily leadership video lessons promoting faith, family and freedom for Tell It Like It Is TV . 

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