I know. This message seems to lean way to the side of the male audience but ladies if you will stick with me for the 5 minute duration of this video you will understand much more about yourself than you can imagine. 

Many leaders live a life of deep regrets. As we age, we can see back further to all the “would’ve beens,” the “could’ve beens,” and the “shoulda beens” which have pick marked our lives. 

That road map of failure and missed opportunity often becomes the scrap heap of a career. We long for retirement and hasten our way to sneak off the playing field without much fanfare or even notice. Heaven forbid they see us exit stage right and try to recount our inglorious past!!

I present you with a different option. Consider this new perspective. 

WHAT IF YOU rather than becoming the scrape heap, rust bucket, set out to pasture applied the “barn find frame off restoration” idea and became a Restomod. 

If you are intrigued enough - WATCH THE VIDEO and join the discussion. Then share it with another would be rust bucket to give them some hope and encouragement.


LEADING LEADERS PODCAST with J Loren Norris providing daily leadership video lessons promoting faith, family and freedom for Tell It Like It Is TV . 

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