Is it power?
Is it control?
Is it love or hatred? Is it lots of money? Is it the number of people they are loved by or hated by?
It’s influence. Nothing more and nothing less.

This is a HUGE reality in the shaping of cultural norms, societal behavior, consumer markets and criminality. Let me say something about the masses. Criminals don’t care about which laws are on the books. Write all the laws you wish to control the behavior of the masses. The one group who will not modify their behavior are those who can financially justify the “RISK VS REWARD” of breaking the law. In most instances, the reward follows the risk. The greater the risk, the fewer the competitors. The harsher the penalty the more the payoff.

Then there are those who are “masterminds” of criminality who look for every loop hole. They find ways to avoid arrest, keep their hands clean, let someone else take the fall and still reap the rewards for themselves.

In 2001 certain “over the counter” medications were moved to the “controlled substance” category. Thousands of meth labs were shut down and out of business over the next few years. Did the meth problem go away? NO - in Portland as one small example there are dozens of rehab clinics run by the local city and state government. They house mostly heroine and meth addicts in their 20s. There are also 60,000 college students of whom the dealers make prime market targets. The statistic at one time was close to 50% of people addicted to heroin in Portland are college age young people.

So if they shut down the labs how is the problem still around? CRIMINALS don’t care about the law. Greater risk. Greater reward. The Mexican Cartels saw a huge market opportunity. They started their own labs and now run the I-5 corridor all the way up the coast to a market of 30,000+ users and sell all they can.

Here’s my MAIN point. Laws which are manipulated under the guise of changing societal behavior only modify the behavior of civil minded NON CRIMINAL people to begin with. Creating greater risk for normal folks and higher reward for those who disregard the law to begin with.

This is a leadership lesson because “Leadership is influence. Nothing more. Nothing less.” Criminals have equal influence to the behavior of society as law makers. The question you better be asking yourself is who has a long term agenda you can tolerate the most.

Heads up people. It’s not what you think!

LEADING LEADERS PODCAST with J Loren Norris providing daily leadership video lessons promoting faith, family and freedom for Tell It Like It Is TV . 

Blog & Online Courses - www.jlorennorris.com


Copyright 2019 Tell It Like It Is, Inc. All rights reserved.

Photo by Jeremy Paige on Unsplash


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