Have you ever been told how to do something by someone who obviously did not know how to do what they were correcting you about?

It happens to parents ALL THE TIME!! It happens to DJs, Drivers, mechanics, politicians, musicians and pretty much every professional in the world.

The NFL has “air chair quarterbacks”. The Church has “Monday morning preachers”. Parents have “expert children” who never had any of their own. The pediatrician has “family physician via Dr. Google”. Politicians have “media pundits”. Everyone wants and hopes and pretends their opinion matters. Most opinions are like socks.

However, there is a proper place for mentors, coaches, advisers and trainers. The true experts who have paid the price either in the form of advanced education committed with both time and money or by the pain of real life experiences. You can learn in the class room or the trenches but one way or another you will learn.

Here’s what you will learn. Leaders discover early on to sort opinion from fact, theory from practice and experience from conjecture. Leaders also learn that listening to the “would be experts” rather than the real ones could could you everything. It is more valuable to be corrected by the real experts than to be accepted by those with the most VOCAL OPINION.

LEADING LEADERS PODCAST with J Loren Norris providing daily leadership video lessons promoting faith, family and freedom for Tell It Like It Is TV . 

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