Many people underestimate the value of a mentor. Most because they have never had an effective mentor or coach. Many because the discount the advice of a mentor or coach as just “someone else’s opinion.” Some because they simply are not teachable.
Mentors and coaches will often test the waters of a would be client by using an application, an assessment or simply asking some tough questions in the initial meeting. How one responds to these probes will be generally indicative of their future response to challenging instruction.
If you have a mentor or a coach, the best sure fired way to free yourself of their burdensome requests is to ignore their insights and fail to follow their advice or instruction. Two things you should know about a serious coach or mentor in this process.
1. The instruction or advice they use to test your veracity may seem silly or simplistic ad an absolute waste of time. Do it any way.
2. If you have already invested in a scheduled amount of coaching or mentoring when you opt to cease following instruction, you are very unlikely to recoup your investment. Don’t waste your money or their time and effort. If you are unreachable, don’t blame anyone else for your lack of results.
Follow the instructions and advice of your mentor or coach. If you do and the instructions don’t work... well that’s another lesson for another day.
Watch the video #leadingleaderspodcast 1-8-20


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