In this episode, we discuss The Guiding Principles for the Assessment of Arts Learning.  Our guests are Timothy Brophy, Maria Leite, Marcia McCaffrey, and Jeff Poulin.  Timothy is Director of Institutional Assessment and Professor of Music Education at the University of Florida.  Maria is Assistant Director of Institutional Assessment at the University of Florida.  Marcia is an Arts Consultant with the New Hampshire Department of Education.  Jeff is Managing Director of Creative Generation.  Please see below for information about several resources mentioned during this episode.

This season of Leading Improvements in Higher Education is sponsored by the Center for Assessment and Research Studies at James Madison University; learn more at

Episode recorded:  January 2022.  Host:  Stephen Hundley.  Producers:  Chad Beckner, Caleb Keith, and Shirley Yorger.  Original music:  Caleb Keith.  This award-winning podcast is a service of the Assessment Institute in Indianapolis; learn more at

Some of the resources mentioned during this episode include the following:

The Guiding Principles for the Assessment of Arts Learning:

World Alliance for Arts Education: 

Boal, A. (2000). Theater of the Oppressed. Pluto press.

Brophy, T. S. & Haning, M. (Eds.). (2020). Advancing music education through assessment: Honoring culture, diversity, and practice. Selected papers from the 7th International Symposium on Assessment in Music Education. Chicago, IL: GIA Publications. 

Brophy, T.S. (Ed.). (2019). The Oxford handbook on policy and practice in music education (Vols. 1 and 2). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Freire, P. (1972). Pedagogy of the oppressed. New York: Herder and Herder.

Hooks, B. (1994). Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom. Routledge.

Music and the Brain:

OK Go - Upside Down & Inside Out:

Resources from the Colorado Department of Education:

Resources from the Michigan Arts Education Instruction & Assessment: 

Resources from the New York State Department of Education:

Arts Assessment for Learning:

Anti-Racist Arts Teachers:

Arts & Humanities: Don't Leave School Without Them: