Role clarity. It seems so simple it’d be easy to miss.

Of course there’s a job description when the contract is signed, but how do you use that as a tool to support mental fitness and wellbeing in your team?

One of the most important ingredients for a successful team is when they know what their role is and how it fits into the purpose of the organisation.

This is what we spoke about with Barb Brown, Executive Manager of People & Culture from St Lukes Health on the podcast this week.

Barb is an award winning HR leader who has worked across health and aging for decades. Barb’s known for motivating high performing teams and shifting them towards a continuous learning culture. She’s also a terrific car trip buddy!

In this episode, we discuss:

How Barb fuels and engages teamsThe team questions to ask to amplify purposeInsights into techniques for resetting + recharging leadership


If you'd like to talk about how our programs can support your team's resilience, fuel their confidence or help them get unstuck, book some time in my diary and let’s chat.

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