Shallow or strategic?

What comes to mind when you think of the highlight reel of your work?

It’s shallow. Like you’re glossing over what still needs to be done. You just don’t have time for it.

And yet, in my conversation with Lyn Morgain, CEO of Oxfam on our Leading Generous Teams podcast this week, we discussed the strategic importance of learning how to share the joy and those moments of highlight.

Lyn Morgain is the Chief Executive of Oxfam Australia. As leader of Oxfam Australia, Lyn oversees the delivery of a broad range of long-term development programs, advocacy campaigns and humanitarian responses.

Lyn has spent her career advocating for the rights of structurally disadvantaged people and communities. She is passionate about peer-based activism and community mobilisation.

Within the global Oxfam community, Lyn holds the role of executive champion for the collective work on race, representation and equity. Lyn is a member of the Australian Council for International Development Board. She is a member of the Trust Board for Oxfam in the Pacific.

In this episode, we discuss: 

How Lyn fuels and engages her team, even during changeHow those moments of highlight can change our brain and fuel more helpful, encouraging and productive culture. Insights into techniques for resetting + recharging leadership

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To learn more about Oxfam see: