Welcome to another interview from Leading Generous Teams, where we’ll be chatting with leaders about how they’re supporting their teams through the difficulties of COVID-19 and where they are finding their own support.

In this episode we chat with Ben Schramm from Cube Group  about why investing in a growth mindset pays off. As founder and managing partner of Cube Group, a purpose-driven consultancy with a strong vision for a better future, Ben works with clients to develop bold strategic plans, strengthen leadership performance and design operating models that achieve real, enduring change.  Ben is a strategic planning and business performance expert with over 20 years experience consulting to for-purpose clients across Australia.

In this episode

Ben talks about how Cube approached the pandemic with a growth mindset and looking for positive changeBen shares how he manages his own mental health, mindset + resilience + how this extends to his teamHost, Clare Desira, expands on some of Ben's most important tips + leaves you with a practical tips to try yourself and with your teams.  

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Links + Resources

And if you can’t wait to start building your team’s resilience with our free tools, head to www.topfivemovement.com/tools to get started.

To learn more about Cube Group see: https://cubegroup.com.au/