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Jessica Morales-Chicas, Ph.D.

Growing up I recognized the various inequities that are perpetuated in education; therefore, I have dedicated the majority of my career to examining, teaching about, and alleviating educational disparities. As an Educator, for 15+ years, I focus on enlightening students with new knowledge, optimizing their skills, and growing their career potential. I earned my Ph.D. in Education from UCLA and am currently an Associate Professor in Child and Family Studies at Cal State LA. My teaching experiences range across various age groups but I particularly enjoy teaching college students. I teach courses on lifespan development, diversity and resilience, research methods, and child and family advocacy.

My research uses a developmental lens to examine the role of ethnic diversity and curricular opportunities on youth motivation, especially in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). My research background also drives my community engagement and the service programs I direct. Currently, I am directing a couple of programs that engage and teach youth about STEM skills (e.g., coding, engineering, and virtual reality) and entrepreneurship. Advancing STEM education develops students’ 21st-century skills, enhances students’ career prospects, and ultimately ensures a globally competitive economy.

My experiences in education and research also inspired my entrepreneurial spirit. By leveraging the skills I have gained in these industries, I provide consulting services in diversity and inclusion, grant writing, program development, and research design.

Show Highlights

Challenges in STEM for Latin@ students Language support for all families Recruitment and retention Unique experiences Recommendations for STEM programs

Connect with Jessica




A Cultural Wealth Approach to Understanding Latin@s’ STEM Mentee and Mentor Experiences

Additional Resources

FREE 30 Minute Consultation

Book Dr. Eakins

Watch The Art of Advocacy Show

Learn more about the Advocacy Room

Free Course on Implicit Bias

20 Diversity Equity and Inclusion Activities

FREE AUDIO COURSE: Race, Advocacy, and Social Justice Studies