Is your organization accountable at all levels? 

Today I am joined by Ann McNeill, The Master Wealth Builder. Ann helps entrepreneurial women to get greater clarity in the highest income-producing areas of their business and life. She is the:

Owner of Constructively Speaking, Inc. 

Owner of MCO Construction, Inc.

Owner of MCO Consulting

Founder of National Association of Black Women in Construction 

Founder of International Masterminders Association


In this episode, Nina and Ann discuss:

From personal accountability to corporate accountability Benefits of being a part of Masterminds GroupTaking responsibility for your lifeService above self 


Key Takeaways:

Start with your own goal, your own vision for your self and for your family. Build on that foundation and incorporate it in everything that you do, including your work or business. Being part of a masterminds group will help you go through life consciously, with awareness and with purpose. When you’re planning for something big, you’ll increase your chances of completing it if you’re accountable to someone about it. Put young people through leadership development by making them part of their own mastermind group to make sure that, as young people, they’ll grow with the ability to take responsibility for their own life and set goals that will benefit themselves and others.The way we are with our business or career, our health, our family, and our impact with others is our responsibility. If you want to change the world, start with yourself and work up from there. Living a life of significance is all about putting yourself in service of others. When planning on how you’re going to leave a legacy, think more about how you can benefit others rather than how what you’re going to do will affect your name when you’re gone. Subtract the self from the equation, and again, be in service to others. 


"I we hear about wanting to change others... start with yourself, your family, your community, your county... and by doing that, we become the change we want to see in the world" —  Ann McNeill


Ann McNeill is the Master Wealth Builder. She helps entrepreneurial women  to get greater clarity in the highest income-producing areas of their business and life. She is the owner of Constructively Speaking, Inc., CO Construction, Inc., and MCO Consulting. She is also the founder of both  National Association of Black Women in Construction and Founder of International Masterminders Association. 


Resources Mentioned:

“Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill

“Seven Habits of Highly Effective Families” by Stephen Covey

“Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business” by Gino Wickman

“What the Heck Is EOS?: A Complete Guide for Employees in Companies Running on EOS” by Gino Wickman


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